Scientists from the Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have improved the industrial wastewater treatment technology for battery manufacturing using the ion exchange method and developed a technical system for its implementation. The process acceleration is achieved by applying a weak electric field to the system. A computer-based algorithm for processing conductivity data has been developed to accurately determine the composition of the regenerating solution, ensuring precise monitoring of the water purification process.
In technical systems for industrial wastewater treatment using the ion exchange method, the processes occurring in ion-exchange resins involve long technological stages. Scientists from the Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of the NAS of Ukraine have proposed a method to accelerate the ion-exchange resin regeneration process by applying a weak electric field to the system. This is achieved by passing an electric current through a layer of ion-exchange resin filled with a regenerating solution. The method is based on the fact that an electric current in the medium represents a flow of ions moving under the influence of an electric potential gradient (the electromigration component of the total ion flow).
The Institute has developed a technical system for modeling the regeneration processes of ion-exchange resins in weak electric fields. The system includes continuous circulation of the regenerating solution using a peristaltic pump, a separate gas removal system, and conductivity-based monitoring of the resin's condition. A computer-based algorithm for processing conductivity data has been developed for accurate quantitative determination of the regenerating solution composition. The design of the system for ion-exchange resin regeneration in electric fields is shown in the figure.
Design of a laboratory system for ion-exchange resin regeneration in weak electric fields.
1 - Column
2 - Mesh bag with ion-exchange resin filling
3 - Tube for oxygen removal from the anode compartment
4 and 5 - Anode and cathode
6 and 7 - Inlet and outlet of the regenerating alkali solution into the external circulation system
This circulation scheme can be used together with a potentiometric solution monitoring system, which requires sample collection for analysis. The open scheme allows any form of control, including the periodic analysis of solution samples taken from the system’s output flow. To monitor the state of the solution during the saturation or regeneration process, the composition of the solution is determined based on its electrical conductivity.