Report on the results of testing lead starter batteries "EFB TRUCK" for trucks, assembled in cases of types "A", "B", "C".
Based on the results of the tests conducted on "EFB TRUCK" batteries and comparing this data with the results of tests on serially produced "Premium" class batteries, the following has been established:
- When using the standard battery assembly scheme, "EFB TRUCK" batteries provide the declared 20-hour discharge capacity values from the first cycle with a certain margin, while serially produced batteries achieve this only from the second cycle.
- Samples of "EFB TRUCK" batteries during cycling slightly (1-1.5%) exceed serially produced batteries with a similar assembly scheme in terms of 20-hour discharge capacity and reserve capacity.
- When assessing the starter characteristics of the batteries using the KONNWEI KW-600 express analyzer, standard batteries had slightly better values for the starter discharge current. When determining the starter characteristics of the batteries using stationary laboratory equipment, the starter characteristics of both "EFB TRUCK" batteries and standard batteries were comparable.
- In terms of charge acceptance, "EFB TRUCK" batteries show results that significantly (approximately 40%) exceed those of standard batteries.
- In terms of water consumption during recharge, which was evaluated according to the methodologies of two international standards, when tested according to the IEC 60095-1:2018 standard, the battery samples correspond to the "low" water consumption level. At the same time, there were no significant differences in the absolute values of the indicator between standard design batteries and "EFB TRUCK" class batteries, as well as within the groups between batteries with standard caps and those with integrated flame arresters. Samples tested according to the EN 50342-1:2015 standard only met the W2 level requirement. This fact may be due to the purity of the raw materials used in the production of batteries (especially sulfuric acid).
- In terms of cyclic durability, "EFB TRUCK" batteries demonstrate better characteristics compared to standard design batteries, both in terms of the number of cycles at a 50% depth of discharge, significantly (by 20 to 30%) exceeding the IEC standard requirements, and in terms of the energy delivered during discharge.
- In terms of vibration resistance, "EFB TRUCK" batteries meet the IEC 60095-1:2018 standard's V2 level with a large margin, and in terms of starter discharge after exposure to vibration, they slightly (by 6%) exceed the characteristics of "Premium" class standard design batteries.